The widget allows you to display reports in a dashboard. Different reports are available for the Planner and Jobs.
Specify whether you want to display data on jobs (Job Manager) or from Planner.
Define the data displayed. You can filter for specific values in each view.
Workbook Job Manager:
Jobs:Data on jobs such as status, agent, types workflow and workflow steps.
Workflows: Status of workflows, assignees and their organizational units.
Job Details: List of jobs
Task Details: List of tasks
Workflow Details: List of workflows
Workbook Marketing Planner:
Display: Border Color
Set the border color for the widget. Click the palette icon to open the corresponding dialog. Enter either a hex or RGBA value or choose a color with the color picker.
White (RGBA: 255,255,255,1) or an alpha value of 0 makes the border invisible.
In addition to these standard boards, you can also display customized data. For any questions, please contact your Uptempo representative.